ISO: Clients Who Want to Break Rules
October 25, 2019


It takes a lot of it to pursue ideas that scare us and tell truths that aren’t popular. That’s probably why it’s a rare find in today’s brands. You won’t find ROI, KPI, or ROAS in the word bravery. Don’t get me wrong, I have complete respect and understanding of their need, but they don’t spell bravery. They don’t even stoke its fire.

Not everyone has the guts to break the rules that are trending in digital marketing, and that’s okay. It takes unflinching confidence to refuse to define your brand by doing what’s popular.

The brands that have the guts will get the payoff of the glory.

We’re fortunate to have clients who exhibit bravery every day by letting us challenge the digital marketing status quo in order to steal attention from their competitors. We applaud that kind of courage and the results it receives.

Take our client SABIAN, for example. SABIAN has always been brave about pushing the limits of sound, but they showed some serious brand moxie when they beat everyone to the punchline with this April Fools gag that touted their next BIG thing–a giant 40” AAX-XL crash cymbal.

You could say, the risk paid off BIG time. The SABIAN April Fool’s video had 367% more views in its first 30 hours than other videos they have produced. The drum community loved SABIAN for their humor and their risk.

Here are just some of the immediate results:

All this because SABIAN was brave enough to say YES.

Yes, we are willing to trust you. Yes, we are willing to break the rules. Yes, we have the guts to take this risk and go all the way with it. I guess when your brand message is “Unbound” that kind of fearlessness isn’t surprising.

So, while I love hearing from different brands about what they think they need to reach their goals, I am most intrigued and excited about working with organizations that fit our culture. The ones who will trust our team to lead them with audacious strategies that will render the big results they can’t seem to find anywhere else. Even if it means we may all feel a little uncomfortable at times.

If you want to know if a strategic agency like ours is really the best fit for you, ask yourself one simple question. “Am I brave?” If you are, then say YES!

Because, if you want to break through the ceiling, it’s going to take a lot of courage. And when you do reach those new heights, all the ROI, KPIs, ROAS, and sales have a way of following you.

Let’s get a conversation started today.

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